5 writes to doc
System.Xml (5)
System\Xml\Dom\XmlLoader.cs (5)
26this.doc = doc; 64this.doc = doc; 524this.doc = dtNode.OwnerDocument; 659this.doc = parentNode.OwnerDocument; 763this.doc = eref.OwnerDocument;
98 references to doc
System.Xml (98)
System\Xml\Dom\XmlLoader.cs (98)
98element = doc.CreateElement( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI ); 114parent.AppendChildForLoad( element, doc ); 122element.XmlName = doc.AddXmlName(element.Prefix, element.LocalName, element.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); 137element.XmlName = doc.AddXmlName(element.Prefix, element.LocalName, element.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); 159node = doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); 163node = doc.CreateSignificantWhitespace( r.Value ); 168node = doc.CreateWhitespace( r.Value ); 179node = doc.CreateCDataSection( r.Value ); 188node = doc.CreateProcessingInstruction( r.Name, r.Value ); 192node = doc.CreateComment( r.Value ); 205parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); 230XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateAttribute(r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI); 233attr.XmlName = doc.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); 239node = doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); 242node = doc.CreateEntityReference( r.LocalName ); 249node.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode(string.Empty), doc ); 257attr.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); 267XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateDefaultAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI ); 270attr.XmlName = doc.AddAttrXmlName(attr.Prefix, attr.LocalName, attr.NamespaceURI, schemaInfo); 289node = direct ? new XmlText( r.Value, doc ) : doc.CreateTextNode( r.Value ); 294node = direct ? new XmlEntityReference( reader.LocalName, doc ) : doc.CreateEntityReference( reader.LocalName ); 301node.AppendChildForLoad( direct ? new XmlText( string.Empty ) : doc.CreateTextNode( string.Empty ), doc ); 309parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); 316XmlEntityReference eref = direct ? new XmlEntityReference( reader.Name, this.doc ) : doc.CreateEntityReference( reader.Name ); 322eref.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); 328eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode(string.Empty), doc ); 365return doc.CreateXmlDeclaration( version, encoding, standalone ); 386XmlDocumentType dtNode = doc.CreateDocumentType( localName, publicId, systemId, internalSubset ); 411XmlElement element = new XmlElement( reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); 424parent.AppendChildForLoad( element, doc ); 453node = new XmlSignificantWhitespace( reader.Value, this.doc ); 458node = new XmlWhitespace( reader.Value, this.doc ); 466node = new XmlText( reader.Value, this.doc ); 470node = new XmlCDataSection( reader.Value, this.doc ); 474node = new XmlProcessingInstruction( reader.Name, reader.Value, this.doc ); 478node = new XmlComment( reader.Value, this.doc ); 487parent.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); 502XmlUnspecifiedAttribute defattr = new XmlUnspecifiedAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); 508attr = new XmlAttribute( r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI, this.doc ); 525XmlParserContext pc = new XmlParserContext(null, new XmlNamespaceManager( this.doc.NameTable ), null, null, null, null, this.doc.BaseURI, string.Empty, XmlSpace.None); 535IDtdInfo dtdInfo = dtdParser.ParseFreeFloatingDtd(this.doc.BaseURI, dtNode.Name, dtNode.PublicId, dtNode.SystemId, dtNode.InternalSubset, proxy ); 548doc.DtdSchemaInfo = schInfo; 553dtNode.Notations.SetNamedItem(new XmlNotation( scNot.Name.Name, scNot.Pubid, scNot.SystemLiteral, doc )); 560XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc ); 568XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc ); 573doc.Entities = dtNode.Entities; 587doc.AddIdInfo( 588doc.AddXmlName(elementDecl.Prefix, elementDecl.Name.Name, string.Empty, null), 589doc.AddAttrXmlName(attdef.Prefix, attdef.Name.Name, string.Empty, null)); 603XmlDocumentType docType = this.doc.DocumentType; 604String baseURI = this.doc.BaseURI; 607XmlNameTable nt = this.doc.NameTable; 612while ( node != null && node != doc ) { 616if ( attr.Prefix == doc.strXmlns && prefixes.Contains( attr.LocalName ) == false ) { 621else if ( !bHasDefXmlnsAttr && attr.Prefix.Length == 0 && attr.LocalName == doc.strXmlns ) { 626else if ( spaceMode == XmlSpace.None && attr.Prefix == doc.strXml && attr.LocalName == doc.strSpace ) { 633else if ( lang == null && attr.Prefix == doc.strXml && attr.LocalName == doc.strLang ) { 660Debug.Assert( this.doc != null ); 662this.reader = CreateInnerXmlReader( innerxmltext, nt, pc, this.doc ); 665bool bOrigLoading = doc.IsLoading; 666doc.IsLoading = true; 671parentNode.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); 677parentNode.AppendChildForLoad( node, doc ); 680doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoading; 709if ( attr.Prefix == doc.strXmlns ) { 723else if ( attr.Prefix.Length == 0 && attr.LocalName == doc.strXmlns ) { 764bool bOrigLoadingState = doc.IsLoading; 765doc.IsLoading = true; 768eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "<" ), doc ); 769doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; 772eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( ">" ), doc ); 773doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; 776eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "&" ), doc ); 777doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; 780eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "'" ), doc ); 781doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; 784eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "\"" ), doc ); 785doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; 789XmlNamedNodeMap entities = doc.Entities; 797if( !( doc.ActualLoadingStatus ) ) { 798eref.AppendChildForLoad( doc.CreateTextNode( "" ), doc ); 799doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState; 802doc.IsLoading = bOrigLoadingState;