// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// File: HttpChannelHelper.cs
// Summary: Implements helper methods for http client and server channels.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http
internal static class HttpChannelHelper
private const String _http = "http://";
private const String _https = "https://";
private static char[] s_semicolonSeparator = new char[]{';'};
// Determine if the url starts with "http://"
// or "https://"
internal static int StartsWithHttp(String url)
int urlLength = url.Length;
if (StringHelper.StartsWithAsciiIgnoreCasePrefixLower(url, _http))
return _http.Length;
if (StringHelper.StartsWithAsciiIgnoreCasePrefixLower(url, _https))
return _https.Length;
return -1;
} // StartsWithHttp
// Used by http channels to implement IChannel::Parse.
// It returns the channel uri and places object uri into out parameter.
internal static String ParseURL(String url, out String objectURI)
// Set the out parameters
objectURI = null;
int separator = StartsWithHttp(url);
if (separator == -1)
return null;
// find next slash (after end of scheme)
separator = url.IndexOf('/', separator);
if (-1 == separator)
return url; // means that the url is just "tcp://foo:90" or something like that
// Extract the channel URI which is the prefix
String channelURI = url.Substring(0, separator);
// Extract the object URI which is the suffix (leave the slash)
objectURI = url.Substring(separator);
InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("HTTPChannel.Parse URI in: " + url);
InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("HTTPChannel.Parse channelURI: " + channelURI);
InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("HTTPChannel.Parse objectURI: " + objectURI);
return channelURI;
} // ParseURL
internal static String GetObjectUriFromRequestUri(String uri)
// We assume uri may be in one of the following forms
// http://myhost.com/myobject.rem
// https://myhost.com/myobject.rem
// /myobject.rem
// /myobject
// myobject.rem
// In all cases, myobject is considered to be the object URI (.rem might be absent)
int start, end; // range of characters to use
int index;
start = 0;
end = uri.Length;
// first see if uri starts with http://
// or https://
// and remove up to next slash if it does
start = StartsWithHttp(uri);
if (start != -1)
// remove domain name as well
index = uri.IndexOf('/', start);
if (index != -1)
start = index + 1;
start = end; // uri will end up being ""
// remove "/" if this is an absolute path
start = 0;
if (uri[start] == '/')
// remove query string if present ('?' and everything past it)
index = uri.IndexOf('?');
if (index != -1)
end = index;
if (start < end)
return CoreChannel.RemoveApplicationNameFromUri(uri.Substring(start, end - start));
return "";
} // GetObjectURIFromRequestURI
internal static void ParseContentType(String contentType,
out String value,
out String charset)
charset = null;
if (contentType == null)
value = null;
String[] parts = contentType.Split(s_semicolonSeparator);
// the actual content-type value is always first
value = parts[0];
// examine name value pairs and look for charset
if (parts.Length > 0)
foreach (String part in parts)
int index = part.IndexOf('=');
if (index != -1)
String key = part.Substring(0, index).Trim();
if (String.Compare(key, "charset", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
if ((index + 1) < part.Length)
// we had to make sure there is something after the
// equals sign.
charset = part.Substring(index + 1);
charset = null;
} // foreach
} // ParseContentType
internal static String ReplaceChannelUriWithThisString(String url, String channelUri)
// NOTE: channelUri is assumed to be scheme://machinename:port
// with NO trailing slash.
String oldChannelUri;
String objUri;
oldChannelUri = HttpChannelHelper.ParseURL(url, out objUri);
InternalRemotingServices.RemotingAssert(oldChannelUri != null, "http url expected.");
InternalRemotingServices.RemotingAssert(objUri != null, "non-null objUri expected.");
return channelUri + objUri;
} // ReplaceChannelUriWithThisString
// returns url with the machine name replaced with the ip address.
internal static String ReplaceMachineNameWithThisString(String url, String newMachineName)
String objectUri;
String channelUri = ParseURL(url, out objectUri);
// find bounds of machine name
int index = StartsWithHttp(url);
if (index == -1)
return url;
int colonIndex = channelUri.IndexOf(':', index);
if (colonIndex == -1)
colonIndex = channelUri.Length;
// machine name is between index and up to but not including colonIndex,
// so we will replace those characters with the ip address.
String newUrl = url.Substring(0, index) + newMachineName + url.Substring(colonIndex);
return newUrl;
} // ReplaceMachineNameWithIpAddress
// Decodes a uri while it is in byte array form
internal static void DecodeUriInPlace(byte[] uriBytes, out int length)
int percentsFound = 0;
int count = uriBytes.Length;
length = count;
int co = 0;
while (co < count)
if (uriBytes[co] == (byte)'%')
// determine location to write to (we skip 2 character for each percent)
int writePos = co - (percentsFound * 2);
// decode in place by collapsing bytes "%XY" (actual byte is 16*Dec(X) + Dec(Y))
uriBytes[writePos] = (byte)
(16 * CharacterHexDigitToDecimal(uriBytes[co + 1]) +
CharacterHexDigitToDecimal(uriBytes[co + 2]));
length -= 2; // we eliminated 2 characters from the length
co += 3;
if (percentsFound != 0)
// we have to copy characters back into place since we will skip some characters
// determine location to write to (we skip 2 character for each percent)
int writePos = co - (percentsFound * 2);
// copy character back into place
uriBytes[writePos] = uriBytes[co];
} // DecodeUri
// reading helper functions
internal static int CharacterHexDigitToDecimal(byte b)
switch ((char)b)
case 'F':
case 'f': return 15;
case 'E':
case 'e': return 14;
case 'D':
case 'd': return 13;
case 'C':
case 'c': return 12;
case 'B':
case 'b': return 11;
case 'A':
case 'a': return 10;
default: return b - (byte)'0';
} // CharacterHexDigitToDecimal
internal static char DecimalToCharacterHexDigit(int i)
switch (i)
case 15: return 'F';
case 14: return 'E';
case 13: return 'D';
case 12: return 'C';
case 11: return 'B';
case 10: return 'A';
default: return (char)(i + (byte)'0');
} // DecimalToCharacterHexDigit
} // class HttpChannelHelper
internal static class HttpEncodingHelper
internal static String EncodeUriAsXLinkHref(String uri)
if (uri == null)
return null;
// uses modified encoding rules from xlink href spec for encoding uri's.
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/PR-xlink-20001220/#link-locators
byte[] uriBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uri);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(uri.Length);
// iterate over uri bytes and build up an encoded string.
foreach (byte b in uriBytes)
if (!EscapeInXLinkHref(b))
// the character needs to be encoded as %HH
sb.Append(HttpChannelHelper.DecimalToCharacterHexDigit(b >> 4));
sb.Append(HttpChannelHelper.DecimalToCharacterHexDigit(b & 0xF));
return sb.ToString();
} // EncodeUriAsXLinkHref
internal static bool EscapeInXLinkHref(byte ch)
if ((ch <= 32) || // control characters and space
(ch >= 128) || // non-ascii characters
(ch == (byte)'<') ||
(ch == (byte)'>') ||
(ch == (byte)'"'))
return true;
return false;
} // EscapeInXLinkHref
internal static String DecodeUri(String uri)
byte[] uriBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uri);
int length;
HttpChannelHelper.DecodeUriInPlace(uriBytes, out length);
String newUri = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(uriBytes, 0, length);
return newUri;
} // DecodeUri
} // class HttpEncodingHelper
} // namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http