1 type derived from CallSiteBinder
System.Core (1)
Microsoft\Scripting\Actions\DynamicMetaObjectBinder.cs (1)
44public abstract class DynamicMetaObjectBinder : CallSiteBinder {
87 references to CallSiteBinder
System.Core (87)
Microsoft\Scripting\Actions\CallSite.cs (11)
67private static volatile CacheDict<Type, Func<CallSiteBinder, CallSite>> _SiteCtors; 74internal readonly CallSiteBinder _binder; 77internal CallSite(CallSiteBinder binder) { 89public CallSiteBinder Binder { 99public static CallSite Create(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder) { 107_SiteCtors = ctors = new CacheDict<Type, Func<CallSiteBinder, CallSite>>(100); 110Func<CallSiteBinder, CallSite> ctor; 116ctor = (Func<CallSiteBinder, CallSite>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<CallSiteBinder, CallSite>), method); 171private CallSite(CallSiteBinder binder) 192public static CallSite<T> Create(CallSiteBinder binder) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Actions\CallSiteBinder.cs (2)
46/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CallSiteBinder"/> class. 177Expression updLabel = Expression.Label(CallSiteBinder.UpdateLabel);
Microsoft\Scripting\Actions\CallSiteOps.cs (1)
157public static T Bind<T>(CallSiteBinder binder, CallSite<T> site, object[] args) where T : class {
Microsoft\Scripting\Actions\DynamicMetaObjectBinder.cs (2)
40/// The <see cref="CallSiteBinder"/> performs the binding of the dynamic operation using the runtime values 229return Expression.Goto(CallSiteBinder.UpdateLabel, type);
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\DebugViewWriter.cs (1)
227private static string FormatBinder(CallSiteBinder binder) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\DynamicExpression.cs (68)
43private readonly CallSiteBinder _binder; 46internal DynamicExpression(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder) { 52internal static DynamicExpression Make(Type returnType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments) { 60internal static DynamicExpression Make(Type returnType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0) { 68internal static DynamicExpression Make(Type returnType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) { 76internal static DynamicExpression Make(Type returnType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) { 84internal static DynamicExpression Make(Type returnType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) { 110/// Gets the <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />, which determines the runtime behavior of the 113public CallSiteBinder Binder { 183/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 198public static new DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, params Expression[] arguments) { 203/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 218public static new DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, IEnumerable<Expression> arguments) { 223/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 238public static new DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0) { 243/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 259public static new DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) { 264/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 281public static new DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) { 286/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 304public static new DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) { 309/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 321public static new DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, IEnumerable<Expression> arguments) { 326/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 338public static new DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, params Expression[] arguments) { 343/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and one argument. 355public static new DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0) { 360/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and two arguments. 373public static new DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) { 378/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and three arguments. 392public static new DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) { 397/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and four arguments. 412public static new DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) { 434internal DynamicExpressionN(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, IList<Expression> arguments) 463internal TypedDynamicExpressionN(Type returnType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, IList<Expression> arguments) 477internal DynamicExpression1(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0) 509internal TypedDynamicExpression1(Type retType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0) 523internal DynamicExpression2(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) 557internal TypedDynamicExpression2(Type retType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) 571internal DynamicExpression3(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) 607internal TypedDynamicExpression3(Type retType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) 621internal DynamicExpression4(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) 659internal TypedDynamicExpression4(Type retType, Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) 674/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 686public static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, params Expression[] arguments) { 691/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 703public static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, IEnumerable<Expression> arguments) { 717/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and one argument. 729public static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0) { 745/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and two arguments. 758public static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) { 776/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and three arguments. 790public static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) { 810/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" /> and four arguments. 825public static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) { 854/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 869public static DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, params Expression[] arguments) { 874/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 889public static DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0) { 910/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 926public static DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1) { 951/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 968public static DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2) { 997/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 1015public static DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3) { 1048/// Creates a <see cref="DynamicExpression" /> that represents a dynamic operation bound by the provided <see cref="CallSiteBinder" />. 1063public static DynamicExpression Dynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, IEnumerable<Expression> arguments) { 1072private static DynamicExpression MakeDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder, Type returnType, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> args) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\Expression.DebuggerProxy.cs (1)
151public CallSiteBinder Binder { get { return _node.Binder; } }
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\ExpressionStringBuilder.cs (1)
160private static string FormatBinder(CallSiteBinder binder) {