8 writes to current
SMDiagnostics (8)
System\ServiceModel\Diagnostics\TraceXPathNavigator.cs (8)
320this.current = this.root; 326this.current = node; 427this.current = this.CurrentElement.parent; 537this.current = this.CurrentElement.childNodes[0]; 580this.current = parent; 587this.current = temp; 633this.current = this.current.parent; 661this.current = this.root;
25 references to current
SMDiagnostics (25)
System\ServiceModel\Diagnostics\TraceXPathNavigator.cs (25)
316if (this.current == null) 333if (this.current == null) 354if (this.current == null) 383if (this.current == null) 404if (this.current == null) 428if (this.current == null) 450if (this.current != null) 510if (this.current == null) 527if (this.current == null) 538this.state = this.current.NodeType; 562if (this.current == null) 572ElementNode parent = this.current.parent; 596if (this.current == null) 618if (this.current == null) 631if (this.current.parent != null) 633this.current = this.current.parent; 634this.state = this.current.NodeType; 672if (this.current == null) 708if (this.current == null) 745if (this.current == null) 772get { return this.current as CommentNode; } 777get { return this.current as ElementNode; } 782get { return this.current as ProcessingInstructionNode; } 791if (this.current == null) 824if (this.current == null)